Pro 31:30-31 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth
the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her
own works praise her in the gates.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Soda Tab

(click on the pictures for a larger view)
First of all, let me introduce you to "The Soda Tab". Soda Tabs can be found on the top of any aluminum beverage drinks, preferably sodas, and are a great 'free' donation item. Once the word gets out that there is a need, most anyone will participate in donating the soda tabs. I still get donations long after the need has gone.
Soda tabs can be used for various craft projects like, armor, purses, and belts, being the most popular.
Try to use undamaged tabs, and if you encounter any 'colorized' tabs other than the common silver, put them aside for a later project.

Some of the soda tabs you come in contact with may have a small round metal piece in center. Remove the small metal piece by using a pair of pliers to wiggle it back and forth until it becomes free. Discard the small round metal piece into the garbage. Flatten any rough edges on the soda tab using your pliers.

Working with Soda Tabs can be a dirty job. Please remember to wash your hands after every work session. Refrain from contact from mouth or eyes until you are able to wash your hands thoroughly. If you wish to wash the soda tabs themselves first, to rid of any possible germs or beverage residue, it is absolutely encouraged. If you wish to boil the tabs, use an old pot that you will no longer use for food preparation. NOTE: Do not boil the tabs any longer than a few minutes or else the tabs will change color and loose their shiny, silver, metallic appearance.

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