Pro 31:30-31 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth
the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her
own works praise her in the gates.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How It All Began

As a woman who was raised with a worldly perspective of society, I found myself challenged by trying to figure out 'how to' apply God's standards in my life. I had heard time and time again that a Godly woman is a Proverbs 31 woman. It didn't take me more than a few verses to realize that I had a long, LONG way to go!

In this day and age, especially in America, we are spoiled by the conveniences of finding just about what ever we want in a shopping mall or local store. It is easy to get in the rut of wrong thinking, “If only I had the money I could do this”. This way of thinking can get you nowhere fast when you are on a tight budget. Yet, the Proverbs 31 woman seemed to meet her needs effortlessly all day long, every day, in every aspect of her life. It was easy to dislike her at that stage in my journey, but I plowed forward anyway...

Over time, I was able to improve my biblical walk by simply studying the Word of God. I began to grow spiritually in my journey towards the Proverbs 31 standard. Learning different crafts and home improvements came slowly over time, but doing them on a budget was hard work. Once we surrendered our lives to the ministry and my husband began working at the church full-time, our budget strings became tighter, as you can imagine. What started out as a self-help interest, became a necessity. I had to figure out how to improve my home, crafts, helping church outreaches, etc., on a much, MUCH tighter budget.

I now research ALL the "how to" I can get my hands on. Over time, I have learned how to see items that I want or need in a different light. By changing my way of thinking my attitude is now not how can I “afford” that, but how can I “recreate” that, with what I already have! Improving my home, helping the church, and gifts for others, is a passion I look forward to now every day. My outlook of the Proverbs 31 woman has turned into one of great respect, but I still have much to learn and room to grow...

During my journey I discovered that I am not alone in trying to make things work with minimal supplies. You may not know how to research or sort through the “how to” and “do it yourself” ideas that are out there. Maybe you lack encouragement. Maybe you're on the missions field unable to access certain resources. Maybe you're on a tight budget at home or in the classroom. Or maybe you just enjoy learning something new, at a fraction of the cost of some of the crafts you encounter. My passion is to inspire you to help yourself at home, and to help your outreach missions with simple craft ideas, so that you may then, help others also. Most importantly, in all things you do give Christ the glory.

1Th 4:12 That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing.

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